Altered Books

ŠAmy Peacock 2005

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******   Look here for Criminal Intent - a work in progress ******




Pages done in Melissa McCobb Hubbell's book:

silvermooninn01_thumbnail.jpg (29962 bytes)     silvermooninn02_thumbnail.jpg (29911 bytes)

silvermooninn03_thumbnail.jpg (32487 bytes)     silvermooninn04_thumbnail.jpg (31478 bytes)

silvermooninn05_thumbnail.jpg (29227 bytes)


Pages done in Julie Sadler's book:

sevenstars01_thumbnail.jpg (26586 bytes)     sevenstars02_thumbnail.jpg (28070 bytes)

sevenstars03_thumbnail.jpg (29349 bytes)     sevenstars04_thumbnail.jpg (30975 bytes)


Pages done in various peoples' Dark Forest RR - hosted by Julie Sadler:

dfnikki01_thumbnail.jpg (24173 bytes)    dfnikki02_thumbnail.jpg (38982 bytes)    dfnikki03_thumbnail.jpg (35701 bytes)

dfjuliek01_thumbnail.jpg (27853 bytes)     dfjuliek02_thumbnail.jpg (27049 bytes)

Dark Round Robin (click the image for a slide show)

Click for a slide show...

Pages I did in other people's books (part of the Dark RR)...

Click for a larger picture... Click for a larger picture... Click for a larger picture... Click for a larger picture... Click for a larger picture...

keithsbook1_thumb.jpg (27855 bytes)    keithsbook2_thumbnail.jpg (14898 bytes)

randall01_thumbnail.jpg (17963 bytes)    randall02_thumbnail.jpg (14216 bytes)

 randall04_thumbnail.jpg (28860 bytes)   randall05_thumbnail.jpg (19179 bytes)   randall07_thumbnail.jpg (24156 bytes)

icouldfly_thumb.jpg (14428 bytes)    rupture_thumb.jpg (10509 bytes)    nagginwife_thumb.jpg (14919 bytes)

dftweedle01_small.jpg (148776 bytes)     dftweedle02_small.jpg (66071 bytes)

drearyforest.jpg (51612 bytes)    dfinsidecover01.jpg (107357 bytes)    dfinsidecover02.jpg (96881 bytes)     df01.jpg (251750 bytes) df02.jpg (144528 bytes)      

df03.jpg (229608 bytes)    dffran02.jpg (115470 bytes)     dffran01.jpg (106927 bytes)    dfhollyspread01.jpg (93758 bytes)

dfhollytrans02.jpg (76520 bytes)    dfiseeblood_small.jpg (243636 bytes)    dfjuliek01_small.jpg (351893 bytes)

dfjuliek02_small.jpg (279953 bytes)    dfmelissamh01_small.jpg (173165 bytes)dfmelissamh02_small.jpg (112619 bytes)   dfmelissamh03_small.jpg (119856 bytes)

dfmelissamh04_small.jpg (125163 bytes)     dfnicole01small.jpg (151796 bytes)    dfnicole02small.jpg (168174 bytes)

dfnicole03small.jpg (132141 bytes)    dfnikki01.jpg (227145 bytes)    dfnikki02_small.jpg (340724 bytes)

dfnikki03_small.jpg (298587 bytes)    dfsarah04.jpg (101934 bytes)   

A free-form altered book. Unlike many ABs out there, this one does not have painted/collaged/etc. pages.

Click for a larger picture...Click for a larger picture...Click for a larger picture...

I sent out a book called Marine Mammals of  California to four other women who were willing to create pages for this book. The artist and creator of each page is listed below the picture. Needless to say, the images of each person's page remains their copyrighted property. Thank you to Lisa, Anna, Hashi, and Erin!

Click for a slide show...

homebutton.jpg (9977 bytes)